About the BOOK: The Quantum Evolution: Application of AI and Robotics in the Future of Quantum Technology

The Quantum Evolution: Application of AI and Robotics in the Future of Quantum Technology

  • ISBN: 978-1-032-64205-5 - DOI: 10.1201/978-1-032-64207-9
  • Book Information: The Quantum Evolution
  • CFP Information: AI Robotics Quantum Technology 2024
  • Chapter Submission: Submit Abstract or Manuscript of Chapter
  • Abstract registration deadline: Aug 31, 2023
  • Acceptance Notification: Aug 31, 2023
  • Full-Chapter Submission deadline: Nov 30, 2023
  • Full-Length Chapter Decision: Nov 30, 2023
  • Revised Chapter Submission: Dec 31, 2023
  • T&F and Author Agreement: Dec 31, 2023
  • Submission deadline: Dec 31, 2023
  • T&F Submission deadline: Dec 31, 2023
  • Editorial team: Dr. Alex Khang PH, Dr. Kali Charan Rath

Application of AI and Robotics in the Future of Quantum Technology

This book targets a mixed audience of specialists, analysts, engineers, scholars, researchers, academics, professionals, and students from different communities to share and contribute new ideas, methodologies, technologies, approaches, models, frameworks, theories and practices in Quantum technology to resolve the challenging issues associated with the leveraging of combating the nine fields of Secure Communication, Voice Assistants and Language Translation, Autonomous Vehicles, Healthcare Diagnostics, Quantum Computing and Drug Discovery, AI-powered Virtual Assistants, Quantum Sensors in Navigation Systems, AI-assisted Healthcare Diagnostics. The Quantum Evolution:

This book can helps readers understand complex scientific topics in a simple and accessible way:

  • It introduces the reader to the world of quantum physics, explaining how things behave at the smallest level and how this can revolutionize technology.
  • The book shows how quantum technology and artificial intelligence (AI) can work together, making computers more powerful and capable of solving complex problems.
  • It explores how AI can benefit from quantum algorithms, enabling machines to learn, make decisions, and process information more efficiently.
  • The book discusses the impact of quantum technology on robotics, showcasing how it can make robots smarter, more perceptive, and adaptable to different environments.
  • It raises important ethical questions about privacy, security, and the responsible development of quantum technology, AI, and robotics.
  • The book provides insights into the potential applications of these technologies in various fields like healthcare, manufacturing, and exploration.


We really believe that the technologies and applications of the “The Quantum Evolution: Application of AI and Robotics in the Future of Quantum Technology” book will favor the people's aspirations. The book proceedings will be published by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Florida, USA

Publication Charge

No Publication Charge

Benefits for Contributor

Each Contributor shall receive an ACADEMIC CERTIFICATE as the copyright of the Contribution and 01 complimentary eBook copy of the Work in which the Contribution appears.

Abstracting and Indexing

All Taylor & Francis (T & F) publications have a direct feed (indexed) to WoS and Scopus and newly submitted contents are submitted monthly.
At present, WoS contains 10,000+ books and T & F in the top ten contributing publishers.

List of Topics:

You are invited to contribute chapters and papers and the scope of the book includes but is not limited to the following topics:

  • Quantum Mechanics Primer: Fundamentals and Quantum Computing
  • Quantum Machine Learning: Unleashing the Power of AI in Quantum Technology
  • Quantum Robotics: Towards Intelligent and Adaptive Robotic Systems
  • Quantum Neural Networks: Deep Learning in the Quantum Realm
  • Quantum Communication and Cryptography: Securing the Future
  • Quantum Sensing and Metrology: Revolutionizing Measurement Science
  • Quantum Simulation: Predicting the Unpredictable
  • Quantum Robotics in Healthcare: Innovations and Applications
  • Quantum Computing Architectures: From Superconducting Qubits to Topological Qubits
  • Quantum Computing in Materials Science and Discovery
  • Quantum Machine Vision: Seeing the Unseen
  • Quantum Robotics in Space Exploration and Astrobiology
  • Quantum Error Correction: Overcoming the Fragility of Qubits
  • Quantum Internet: Enabling Global Quantum Communication
  • Quantum AI: Bridging the Gap between Classical and Quantum Computing
  • Quantum Robotics Ethics: Navigating the Ethical Implications of AI-Enhanced Robots
  • Quantum Computing in Finance and Optimization
  • Quantum Computing and Big Data Analytics: Insights and Challenges
  • Quantum Computing in Quantum Chemistry and Drug Discovery

Editor's contacts

All questions about submissions should be emailed to

Dr. Alex Khang
  • Professor of IT, AI & Data Scientist
  • Software Development Industry Expert
  • IT Workforce Development Consultant
  • Global Research Institute of Technology and Engineering
  • North Carolina, United States
  • +84-09323-57799
  • alex.khang@outlook.com
Dr. Kali Charan Rath
  • Associate Professor
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • GIET University
  • Odisha-765022, India
  • +91-94381-05974
  • rathkalicharan1980@gmail.com

Author Guidelines for the Book Chapters Submission

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    • Alt-text for figure in your book chapter by adopting the samples Alt-text for figure
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  • Author Guidelines for Book Chapter Submission
    • The title of the chapter should be concise, precise and should clearly state the main aim of the chapter. It must correlate to the proposed book chapter titles conveyed during the call of book chapter submission.
    • Chapter structure, the sections in the book should be at least necessarily the same like Title, Author (s), Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Main work section, Research implication or findings, Conclusions, Future work, References, and Acknowledgement, if any.
    • Author and Co-authors: Maximum 04 authors will be allowed to contribute for a single chapter and it will be preferred that co-author (s) of one of the selected chapters should not be the co-author (s) of another selected chapter(s) at Author and Co-authors Format
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    • Editors will arrange the chapters in a sequence so that they must be well synchronized and are in line with the title of the book. Thus, the title of the chapters can be reframed to go well with the theme of the book, if required.
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