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The book proceedings will be published by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Florida, USA
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All questions about submissions should be emailed to Alex Khang, Global Research Institute of Technology and Engineering, North Carolina, United States. alex.khang@outlook.com
"Smart Manufacturing Sustainability: Principles, Technologies, and Applications" constitutes an exhaustive exploration at the nexus of technological innovation and ecological responsibility, delineating a nuanced trajectory for the future of intelligent manufacturing. Within the pages of this compendium, the paradigm-shifting impact of additive intelligence, encompassing advanced modalities such as 3D printing and robotic assembly, converges with the foundational tenets of sustainable engineering.
The book is not merely a compilation of technical knowledge; it is a beacon of innovation that beckons readers to envision a future where cutting-edge technologies and smart manufacturing sustainability intertwine seamlessly. With its engaging and thought-provoking content, the book leaves an indelible impression, urging readers to embrace the transformative power of technology and embark on a collective mission to unlock the full potential of AI-enabled technologies for the betterment of manufacturing for humanity.
The book aims to explore the importance of cutting-edge technologies in the manufacturing industry and their role in improving labor productivity. As AI and Industrial robotics continues to revolutionize the smart manufacturing landscape, it also brings forth new challenges, including automation activities. You are invited to contribute chapters and papers and the scope of the book includes but is not limited to the following topics: