About the BOOK: Revolutionizing Digital Healthcare through Artificial Intelligence and Automation: Principles, Technologies, and Applications

Revolutionizing Digital Healthcare through Artificial Intelligence and Automation: Principles, Technologies, and Applications

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All questions about submissions should be emailed to

Prof. Dr. Alex Khang
  • Professor of Information Technology, D.Sc., D.Litt.
  • AI and Data Scientist
  • Global Research Institute of Technology and Engineering
  • North Carolina, United States
  • ORCID: 0000-0001-8379-4659
  • alex.khang@outlook.com
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  • All Elsevier publications have a direct indexed by WoS and Scopus.
  • At present, WoS contains 10,000+ books and Elsevier in the top ten contributing publishers.

We really believe that the technologies and applications of the “Revolutionizing Digital Healthcare through Artificial Intelligence and Automation: Principles, Technologies, and Applications” book will favor the people's aspirations.


Revolutionizing Digital Healthcare through Artificial Intelligence and Automation: Principles, Technologies, and Applications book proceedings will be published by Elsevier Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Publication Charge

No Publication Charge

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Each Contributor shall receive an ACADEMIC CERTIFICATE as the copyright of the Contribution and 01 complimentary eBook copy of the Work in which the Contribution appears.

Revolutionizing Digital Healthcare through Artificial Intelligence and Automation: Principles, Technologies, and Applications

The book explores the intersection of many cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Generative Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Internet of Things, Sensors, Wireless Communication, Robotics, and their potential to drive the smart healthcare system in digital environments. This technical description provides an overview of the key concepts, approaches, technologies, and applications covered in the book. The book begins with an introduction to the growing challenges of technologies in digital and intelligent healthcare environments. It highlights the increasing complexity and interconnectedness of modern systems, leading to vulnerabilities and the need for innovative solutions.

You are invited to contribute chapters and papers and the scope of the book includes but is not limited to the following topics:

  • 1. Principles and Models of Digital Healthcare ecosystem
  • 2. Role to the AI and Gen AI in Digital Healthcare ecosystem
  • 3. Cutting-edge Technologies in Digital Healthcare ecosystem
  • 4. Application of AI and Gen AI in Digital Healthcare ecosystem
  • 5. Evolution of Cutting-edge Technologies in Smart Healthcare ecosystem
  • 6. Enhancing Healthcare Services with AI and Gen AI Technologies
  • 7. Embedded AI-based Application for Smart Healthcare system
  • 8. IoT-Based Technologies for Smart Healthcare system
  • 9. AI-Based Robotics for Smart Healthcare system
  • 10. Sensor Technologies and Applications for Smart Healthcare system
  • 11. 6G Communication Network for Smart Healthcare system
  • 12. AR and VR Technologies for Smart Healthcare system
  • 13. Quantum Technologies for Smart Healthcare system
  • 14. AI-based Blockchain for Smart Healthcare system
  • 15. Robotics Processing Automation (RPA) for Smart Healthcare system
  • 16. Big Data Analytics for Smart Healthcare system
  • 17. Cybersecurity and Cloud Platforms for Smart Healthcare system
  • 18. Future Prospects and Challenges for Smart Healthcare system